Dispute Form

{{returnValue > 0 ? ("Dispute successfully submitted. Your dispute reference is # " + returnValue) : ("Dispute form not submitted. Please try again.")}}.
NOTE: Supporting documentation may be submitted by email (consumer@pbc.gov), US Mail, or fax (561-712-6610)
(*) Represents a REQUIRED VALUE

Your Contact Information

Invalid email address.

Dispute Against

Invalid email address.
Invalid email address.

Dispute Transaction

*Date of transaction:
Have you contacted the business or landlord about this dispute?
Did you sign a contract, lease, or document? 
List any other agencies/organizations you have contacted for assistance. What was the outcome?
* What resolution would you consider to be mutually fair?
Dollar amount in dispute (if applicable): $

Dispute Information

* Please give a complete summary of your dispute:
To provide the best possible service for consumers in Palm Beach County, please select:
Your age category:
Do you have access to the internet?
Are you a full time resident?