Homestead Exemption Online Filing
Welcome to Homestead Exemption online filing. My office is pleased to provide this service to new homeowners in Palm Beach County.

Homestead Exemption can provide significant property tax savings, and this interactive system will walk you through the qualifications and application process. Many other exemptions are also available through our office. At this time, we ask that qualified seniors, disabled veterans and other disabled persons visit us in person to file for those additional exemptions.

Dorothy Jacks, CFA, FIAAO, AAS
Palm Beach County Property Appraiser

In order to begin your filing process, you will need to:
  1. Gather necessary documentation establishing your qualifications to file.
  2. Request a Personal Identification Number.
  3. Log in to online filing.


The Property Appraiser's Office is currently accepting 2025 AND 2026 applications. The deadline for 2025 Homestead Exemption is MARCH 3, 2025.
Log In Here
Email Address:
PIN (case-sensitive):
Important Message to E Filers Regarding Ownership
The E File process now allows those who have recently purchased a property to file for homestead exemption, even if the deed has not been recorded and/or uploaded into our database. Simply begin the process by requesting a PIN, and follow the simple instructions. Please know your homestead exemption application will be in a pending status until your deed is recorded and transferred into our database. When this occurs, your application will be submitted automatically and reviewed for processing.
Important Message to E Filers Regarding Portability
You may also file for portability using this application. Portability is an additional tax savings to residents moving from one home to another within the State of Florida. At the end of the homestead exemption E File application, you will be asked if you wish to file for portability.