Business Information Reports

{{resultItem.BusinessName}} {{resultItem.BusinessAddress}}  View
You can search for a business in the following ways:
  • If you are certain of the company's name, type the name in the "Search For" area. Usually, the fewer words you use the better the result. Then click on the "Search" button.
  • To find a list of all businesses beginning with the same letter or numeral, click on the appropriate letter/numeral at the top.
  • To find a list of certain types of businesses, click on the "Search By" arrow and then click "Business Type". Then click on the "Search" arrow to get a listing of the various types of businesses. Click on the type of business you desire to get a listing of all those business types in our database.
  • To find a list of all businesses in a certain postal zip code, click on the "Search By" arrow and then click "Zip Code". In the "Search" area type in your zip code and then click on the "Search" button.
Tips for business searches:
  • It is usually best to use the least common word in a business name.
  • Some businesses may use "and" or "&" in their name.
  • Some businesses may use a numeral or spell out a number (i.e., 7 vs. Seven, etc.)
  • Use caution with initials and punctuation. As an example it could be listed as "PGA" or "P.G.A."
  • Some common names may have different spellings (i.e., Lewis vs. Louis. etc.).